招生 Requirements
Program prerequisites
Admission requirements must be completed at the time of application. 申请人可以申请一门符合要求的先决条件课程,如果该课程将在入学前完成.
- Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution
- Overall cumulative GPA or 3.0或更高
- Overall science GPA of 3.0或更高
- Required coursework: taken within the last ten years, with a “C” or better, from an accredited school. English, statistics, and psychology must be within the last 15 years. CASPA将使用其转换比率(1)将季度学分转换为学期学分.0 quarter hour = 0.667 semester hours)
- Anatomy and Physiology with labs: 8学分. 必须包括实验室. Must be human or mammalian. 可接受的课程包括4学分的生理学带实验和4学分的解剖学带实验, OR 8学分 of “Anatomy and Physiology” with labs
- 生物实验室: 4个学分. 必须包括实验室. (see additional microbiology requirement below)
- Chemistry with labs: 8学分. 必须包括实验室. General/inorganic chemistry. One semester may be replaced by an upper level chemistry with lab. (see additional organic or biochemistry requirement below)
- 微生物学: 3学分. 不需要实验室. (this is in addition to the other biology requirement)
- Organic chemistry or biochemistry: 3学分. 不需要实验室. (this is in addition to the other chemistry requirement)
- 英文: 3学分. must be offered by English or writing departments
- 心理学: 3学分
- 统计: 3学分
- Only one prerequisite course can be in progress at the time of application
- 招生常见问题解答
- 1000小时的直接病人护理经验-必须在提交申请时完成
正规的网赌平台的研究生课程不偏袒任何特定的群体或个人, however the most desirable applicants will show evidence of: GPAs above the minimum requirements; a rigorous and successful undergraduate and prerequisite academic career; a personal mission that aligns with the program mission; a strong understanding of the PA profession; excellent self-awareness and interpersonal skills; direct patient care experience that exceeds the minimum requirement and is of high quality (hands-on contact with patients and/or high level decision making in a medical environment).
请将以下所有材料提交至医师助理中央申请服务中心(CASPA). 正规的网赌平台不直接接受任何申请或补充材料.
- CASPA application and personal statement
- Official 成绩单 from all schools attended
- Three letters of recommendation
- Supplemental essays specific to University of Bridgeport
- 详细和准确地记录在病人护理过程中所履行的职责
我们采用滚动录取流程,确保申请人在整个周期内的灵活性. 对最合格候选人的面试将在6月至8月进行.
正规的网赌平台程序 deadline
Our application window remains open until August 1 at 11:59 p.m. EST or until our class reaches full capacity. 我们鼓励申请人尽早提交申请,以增加获得面试的机会.
正规的网赌平台程序 verification
请注意,所有申请必须在8月1日截止日期之前由CASPA核实,以便我们的招生团队进行审查. 正规的网赌平台程序s can only be verified once all payments, 成绩单, and letters of evaluation have been received by CASPA. To guarantee timely verification, 我们敦促申请人在截止日期前至少四周提交申请.
Program commencement
Our program commences in January. 所有未决的先决条件必须在12月20日之前成功完成,以确保课程的顺利开始.
Additional questions?
- 电话1‑800‑392‑3582
- 电子邮件admit@dazyyap.com
Deceleration is defined by the ARC-PA as “the loss of a student from the cohort, who remains matriculated in the Physician Assistant program.”
美国BPA curriculum is designed to be delivered and completed on a full-time basis. 的 program is not offered on a part-time basis.
Deceleration is not an option in lieu of disciplinary action including, but not limited to probation, 停学或其他可被视为开除学籍的情形. PA计划不会降低无法满足计划学术和/或专业行为要求的学生的速度.
Deceleration occurs for the following reasons:
- A PA student is granted a leave of absence by the PA program.
- PA学生可以通过特殊的个人情况提出解雇上诉-由学术部门绝对酌情决定, Background and Conduct Committee.
在正规的网赌平台医师助理学院完成学位意味着毕业生准备作为一名医师助理执业. 的 Technical Standards, as distinguished from academic standards, refer to the physical, 认知, 参与和完成课程的各个方面以及进入PA专业所需的行为能力. 这些标准是由医师助理教育认证审查委员会要求的,对所有正规的网赌平台都是通用的.
University of Bridgeport prohibits discrimination in admissions, educational programs and services, and employment on the basis of race, color, 宗教信仰, 年龄, 婚姻状况, 国家的起源, 祖先, 性, 性别, 性取向, 性别 identity or expression, 残疾, genetic information, veteran status and any other basis protected by law. 根据其对1972年教育修正案第九条的承诺,大学致力于在其教育计划或活动中防止或消除一切形式的性别歧视.
For questions regarding 第九条, please contact:
美国.S. Department of Education
- AddressOffice for Civil Rights, 8th Floor, Five Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109-3921
- 电话(617) 289-0111
- 传真(617) 289-0150
- TDDTDD: (800) 877-8339
- 电子邮件光学字符识别.boston@ed.政府
美国B PAI is proud to have consistent rates above national aver年龄, of first-generation college students 在我们的队伍中. 虽然UB PA计划不偏袒任何特定的群体或个人,但多元化的校园和 资源 provide a supportive environment for students.
University of Bridgeport is a proud participant in the Yellow Ribbon Program. While the UB PA program does not favor any specific groups or individuals, 入学的军人和退伍军人有机会申请这些教育福利.
DACA接受者 are welcome to apply to our program. DACA学生需要有就业授权卡(I-766)才能参加临床轮转. DACA学生还需要一个社会安全号码才能参加国家认证考试(PANCE)。. Many states in the US allow DACA接受者 to receive medical licenses. 我们建议DACA接受者在入学前与经济援助部门联系, to discuss any tuition questions.
Together, let’s start something great.
Request More Information- 电话1‑800‑392‑3582
- 正规的网赌平台程序马上申请